AITA for resenting my bfs procrastination

I 23f and my bf 24m just had a baby a week ago. It was a difficult pregnancy and I almost died during childbirth. During my pregnancy I had to stay home on bed rest and it was hard on my bf we went through a good chunk of savings.

I know a lot of my health issues were getting to him and he had a lot really bad case of seasonal depression, like it scared me to see how bad he got. I tried talking to him throughout it, asked him to see someone tell his Dr. I even talked to his mom. I felt that I was burdening him, I know I was I just didn't want to admit it.

He was overwhelmed with everything and everyone. I stopped asking for basic essential. Underwear, clothes that fit, food I could eat with gd, my meds. I could see the stress getting to him everything I asked for something and I hate I added to it. There was one thing I kept asking him to do, it was to talk to his work about insurance. I kept asking him over and over. He said he'd get to it later and now it's June he's on his parents plan and I'm on my dad's and cant work. He can't get into open enrollment. He's asking me to look into it now. And getting mad I can't find anything good for her.

I hate I'm angry at him because I know depression cant be helped. I'm just upset he waited this long and I can't bring it up because he has anger issues. He's a great man but he procrastinats on Important things then gets angry that it's to late to fix it. So then I'm left trying to fix the problems and it's never good enough

Sorry if this is everywhere I have a baby in one arm, crying and typing all at once.