Jared’s illegal behavior has been continuing for decades

I’m reposting as much as I can since Jared and his Minions are harassing me for truthful posts. Hello, I am new here! I literally just opened my Reddit account today, specifically to comment on this case. I have been trying to follow it as closely as I can. I know everyone says that you can’t comment on something you don’t know… well, I have personally known this a**hole and hated him since the 90s. He is a true narcissistic sociopath, sex addict, abuser and liar.

I was so happy when I saw he was arrested. I thought, finally! Something is going to stick to this guy! I really hope he gets what’s coming to him. I completely believe the accusers, because it’s not out of character for this slime ball. He ran from Utah with his dad and brother when he was 17, most likely after the second time he raped that poor girl. He didn’t run away on his own like he pretends he did.

He has had an add out for anonymous sex. Saying “Married with two kids, just want sex.” Hmmm, he didn’t mention his oldest daughter that he had with another woman, cheating on his wife though? They try to keep her a secret. oops🙊

He has been scamming people out of money since he was a teenager. From getting cars he could afford, to him and his brother being charged by the Federal Trade Commission for pumping and dumping stocks to his gullible followers, to being a “developer” and started Strawberry heights in Madras, OR. Lost that because he couldn’t pay for it. Was supposed to be paying for his mother-in-laws house there, and got that foreclosed on too. To selling his house to his dad, so he wouldn’t loose that in bankruptcy. Lots of crap in between to finally trying to now hide assets.

This guy..haven’t been able to say his name for years, because he’s that disgusting to me and I know he is completely fake. Nothing this guy does is sincere. He only does things that benefit him, and things that boost his ego. He takes what he wants from whoever he wants.

I don’t believe the abused have to become abusers, due to their nurture. There is a choice that one can make. I know plenty of abused people that have stopped the cycle and become the most wonderful people.

He just found the easiest way to get what he wants. His motto is why work hard for anything, when I can just take it. Too bad, it was called date rape then. He would have a lot more accusers if everyone came forward. My only hope is that he didn’t abuse his own kids. His wife was brainwashed long ago, and could never stand up to him.

I know this is a lot, I had a dump sessions here and maybe I will be able to sleep better knowing other people can know this sociopath a little better. And maybe just maybe some of his followers will drop him, and not add to his empire of lies. Oh, by the way that is the way his last name is pronounced. Lie-sek, very fitting.