Frustrated with my boss

How do you deal with being a leader in the workplace but YOUR leader isn’t giving you what you need?

She has poor time management and she is always frantic and can’t give full attention to one task, therefore forgetting things or sometimes not even responding to things at all.

She’s late every week to my 1-1 and I feel like my time is being disrespected. I totally get things come up but when we have a set meeting that is weekly and you’re always late, it makes me feel like you don’t care about what I have to discuss. She isn’t late to anyone else’s meetings.

I am a leader and she encourages me to make decisions and send stuff out a lot but then other times she will get pissed at me for not running it by her first. The mixed signals really bother me.

Advice: how do I tell her nicely that I feel like I am going crazy?