AIO about leaving my (20F) Fiancee? Im (21M)
This gonna be a long shit show roller coaster. I'm gonna try to shorten it as much as I can so sorry if it's vague
I have been currently going between if I want to stick around with her or not. Over the last 2 years a lot has happened together, shit like her being arrested, being a constant pathological liar, cheating (you get the idea)
Still reading? Ok I will try to shorten this as much as I can
So like any Gen Z relationship we met on dating apps. At first it was alright I guess, she was still talking to her exes, addicted to porn (I was addicted to drugs and alcohol at the time as well) and hanging out on the wrong crowd. I didn’t think anything of it because I haven’t been in a relationship in a few years so I thought that was normal and I didn’t want to come off as toxic even though I seen it as a red flag.
2 or 3 weeks go by and we start to get intimate, she told me that she was infertile and it was ok to go raw (I should probably also mention that she said she was on the implant) i asked her why she was on it and she said it was to help her periods, so I believed her word as stupid as I am. Well you imagine what happens months later. Yup she’s pregnant. You could probably imagine my reaction, confused and pissed. So a lot of back and fourth for a couple weeks she admits she was never on birth control (no surprise there) I eventually drop it and try to forget about it and focus on our coming son.
A couple months later she starts being reckless. She quits her job and leaves all the finances up to me. Everything she saw I ended up buying. Completely drained what I had, at this point I was having health issues developing so I was seeing the doctor a lot so I wasn’t able to work much as I used to and trying pay what I can. I had to leave my job between the stress of things going on at the time and dealing with my worsening health.
The middle of that month I got a call from one of her family members, I was told that she was incarcerated for assault. She assaulted one of her family members. This wasn’t her first time (she assaulted that same family before and me a couple of times) at this point I was disappointed but I was trying to be optimistic, maybe she could change her ways.
Months after probation she moves in with me. Everything was fine for a while now, she was nice, listened to me and we got to communicate for a while. Spent a lot of time together.
Son is now born and I am struggling becoming a first time father. I let her rest and do whatever she needed to do. When he was only a couple of months old I noticed she became a lot more irritable with me, she would be little me, say she wanted one thing but when I did it it it wasn't right or she wanted something else. One day she blew up on me called me all sorts of names, saying I was controlling. Later she left to stay somewhere else.
That night I found out she was talking to another guy and they were exchanging pictures (this was about the 3rd time she did it since we been together) when she came home I decided to talk to her about it and she tried to point the blame on me saying I didn't trust her.
Fast forward to now we are arguing more, she says I'm the one that's always starting something and whenever I try to explain to her she blows me off and doesn't acknowledge how I feel. I showed her some of my favorite artists and now she listens to them non stop and now im starting to lose interest in them because I hear it often. It used to be enjoyable when we kept our tastes to ourselves with some things. We are different and that doesn't work for me because she can't see my point of view. Apples can't be oranges.
We don't click anymore and that put a wedge between us. She quit her last job at the bakery and I had to pick up a remote job to help with income and to manage it with my health. She started get into drinking. She put a wedge between my family and now is threatning a custody battle for my son. Im probably forgetting a lot of things so there will probably be edits.