AITA for telling my girlfriend not to bother learning my native language?

My [22m] girlfriend [21f] recently told me she has started trying to learn my native language (a regional dialect from india) and asked if she could practice with me. I said sure but asked why she wanted to learn it, and she said in the future she’d want to be able to communicate with my family.

This slightly annoyed me because she assumed my family doesn’t speak fluent English, which they do. Everybody that’s alive— my parents, aunts, uncles, cousins— are more than comfortable with English. Plus, they’re not the sentimental type that would care or feel honored she tried to learn their language, they’d just ask why she’d take that time when they all speak English. Additionally, since I grew up in the US, I honestly feel more comfortable and fluent in English.

So I told her that if her sole reason was to talk to my family, she shouldn’t take all that effort, because they all speak English fluently. I’m not saying she’s forbidden to learn it in an absolute sense or anything: if she wants to learn it out of interest, or for fun, or for any other reason, that’s alright, but I’m just letting her know that if she wants to do it solely to talk to my family it’ll be a waste of time on her part.

She got angry and said I should appreciate what she’s doing for me. I don’t think that’s fair, because I never asked for this and never wanted this, so how can she force that on me on insist I need to be glad for it?

Am I in the wrong here? Or is she?