AITA for refusing to make my brother a sandwich?

For the time being, me (22F) and brother (23M, “Khenan”) moved back in w our parents (49F) (52M) to avoid paying rent while we took an zoom coding class, which is time consuming. 8 hours a day, camera on at all times, leaves us no time to go to work.

We set up home 2 months before the class began, and I’ve noticed “Khenan” began prepping food and stuffing in the fridge/freezer in bags for days ahead of time. I understand a week ahead of time, but he makes it up to 2 days ahead of time.

I told him this was unfair, but he’d say he bought it with his own money, and he can’t waste time. But for reasons I can’t be bothered to get into, I’m low on money despite working longer than he ever has, I spend on games and hygiene and clothes. He plays more games than me. He and everyone else will deny it but if I have no money, I don’t believe he has much either.

This Sunday, he was arguing with our mother. She said some the food he prepped and froze was spoiled, which he didn’t believe saying he bought it a few days ago, and planned on eating it during lunch breaks. She won out, threw it all away, but said it’s okay bc he’ll have something prepped for the next classes. A few hours later, she tells me to prepare food bags in zip locks for him.

1, he wouldn’t like it anyway. He counts calories and measures everything, even protein! And sauces! Oncee tried to insist on measuring something while I prepared it for him, because I was sick of him prepping, but I couldn’t let that happen, I just made it, and if he really wanted it he’d just sit the fuck down and fucking eat it.

2, we had no meat/rice She waited until 6 PM to demand I drive out, buy chicken and rice, cook rice, and remake food for my brother after she threw away what he already hoarded for himself.

3 there’s already food and snacks in the house he can prepare or prep from. The day before, or the day of. Like a normal person. Frozen Burgers, frozen French fries, franks, chips, cookies, pretzels, buscuits. he used to love at least half of these things (Especially fries) but he now eats them rarely if at all since this diet nonsense took him over.

I did, ultimately, go to the store to buy what she wanted and other stuff, she decides to claim she gave me money to buy it, giving him the green light to cook and hoard a portion of it.

He’s still very much pissed about what she did. But when I tried to tell him what he was doing was unfair he snapped back at me claiming he barely has time to study, walk, or workout if he doesn’t do this, and that I’ve been giving him too much shit over his body (Earlier this year, he weighed out to be 155lbs as a 5'8 man, which is admittedly tiny. He now weighs 140-something!) and asked me to not throw his stuff away

I admit he has a right to be angry about that last thing, but it just isn’t fair seeing food I do and don’t like taking up space like this, if I can’t take from it like everything else.