How well does propaganda of the deed work?

By "propaganda of the deed", I mean it in the sense that it has been traditionally followed- namely, assassinations and bombings. Whether or not they're moral or ethical is not my main concern, which is if they really fulfil their intended purpose. To quote The Anarchist Library:

These deeds were intended to ignite the "spirit of revolt" in the people by demonstrating the state was not omnipotent and by offering hope to the downtrodden, and also to expand support for anarchist movements as the state grew more repressive in its response.

From my limited knowledge, I'm not sure if they were able to do that; the majority of the public appears to have been scared away from the idea of anarchism rather than supporting it and the "spirit of revolt" was cut down before it could grow to fruition, at least in the cases I know of. However, I am aware that as a relative newcomer there is much that I do not know and would be interested to see if there were any instances where propaganda of the deed ultimately furthered anarchist causes, either by itself or in conjunction with other tactics.