An Injured Birb
Hey Reddit, I need some help.
Kind of a strange story. I found this little guy underneath my car right before I was going to drive to work, on his back, very much stuck. I didn't think much of it, but I didn't want to run him over, so I ended up gently moving him out of the way. But he just kept... falling over. I didn't really want to leave him there flailing in the grass, so I quickly found a large box with some cushion at the bottom, managed to safely get him in there, put him under some shade with some water, and left so maybe he would be away from insects or direct sunlight while he rested up.
I came back from work, and the little guy was in the box, on his back, looking up curiously at me. Mind you, I have no idea if he has any diseases or fractures or anything, but clearly he was not going to have a fun life outside, so I began calling around to ask about an Animal Rehab center near me, or anywhere that might be able to help him.
Nada. Absolutely nothing.
So I brought the box inside, found out what he might like to eat, ran to the store to get some small birdseed, gave him a cup of water to drink from, and let him rest for the night.
Well, that was yesterday. Today, I managed to get a good look at him and while I don't see any kind of fracture in his wing, nor any out-of-shape bones or bleeding of any kind, he can't walk without falling over, and his left wing is unable to be unsheathed, only retracted. If he falls over, he can get back up with some effort, but it looks like he would just rather not move too much. Doesn't seem to have any cognitive issues, as he looks around and blinks pretty regularly, it's just his movement. He can't really eat or drink on his own, so I've come to bringing up a cup of food and water to his beak at regular intervals. Took awhile, but he's come to accept the small nourishment.
I was told by a bird facility far from me that he would not have any diseases that I would need to worry about, and that the most likely cause was a fracture. I carefully wrapped the wing around, and was amazed at how docile he acted, just seemed to be curious if anything. But I'm not sure what I can do from here, because no facility close to me will look at him nor take him in, and I'm not just going to leave him outside in his current condition. I've told myself if he passes away at this point, I've done all I can, but I want to make sure I've really done all I can. So if there's any suggestions you can give to someone who's never owned a birb before, much less cared for one who can't even stand on his own... what would be the best thing I can do for the little guy?
For reference, I live in South Texas, kinda in the middle of nowhere.