Feeling like my bfs plane will crash

I have quite a big fear of traveling on airplanes even though I know statistically they are very safe. My bf and I are in a LDR and he’s coming to visit me early next week. I was so excited and impatient these past months but now that it’s drawing nearer, all I have is this overwhelming feeling of dread and impending doom. I’m like convinced that his plane will crash and he won’t make it and my brain keeps envisioning what it’ll be like after it happens and how my life will go downhill after I lose him. I can’t tell if this is anxiety or intuition, as I don’t get feelings like this very often. I’m usually a very panicky anxious person but this feeling is just kind of like a “calm knowing” feeling that many intuitive ppl describe. I don’t want to lose him and I’m dreading him getting on the plane. I just want this all to be over already so I can either prove my anxiety wrong and be happy or see if it’s right and face whatever this is.