[NM] Advice on Travel with VERY High Conflict

Seeking guidance and/or semi-advice based on current situation. I am looking to travel internationally for four days with my boyfriend, in a couple weeks. I have chosen to leave my daughter with a very trusted friend, whom watched her last year when we took the same trip. At this time, we were not in litigation, and he was actually completely absent from her life. Since then, we have gone to court and have a parenting plan filed through the courts, that was upheld.

He has threatened that he will be calling the cops, and involving legal authorities as my friend has no legal guardianship over my child. It is not his custodial time. I am going to provide her with a written, signed document, stating that she has to be in her care, and turn her over the court ordered a parenting plan. Is he even allowed to do this? Or am I in the wrong for leaving her with a trusted friend? There are some serious reasons why I won’t leave her with him for 5days, hence he doesn’t even have that much time right now anyways.

I know this isn’t the best place to turn to but it’s horrible dealing with him. Every thing is a fight, there’s no common ground, I can’t even speak to him without being very condescending. I would/do ask my attorney certain things but I cannot afford $250 every week for a simple question. I’m at a loss. We were ordered a parenting coordinator which he has objected to. It’s been nothing short of a very messy case.