Canadians of Reddit, what would you want American children to know about your country right now?
My daughter and some of her classmates are participating in a local international fair of sorts. The children get to pick a country and they make a booth and teach other kids about it. The point is for them to dig deep and learn about another country while designing the booth.
They chose Canada back in December. The event is this Friday.
We have a full size flag, they've made red maple leaf pins to hand out to the other children, they chose making a paper bag beaver puppet as their craft and the booth will have nanaimo bars and all dressed chips to snack on. Cute stuff, but that's not the point.
I realize that Canada is rightfully furious with the adult population of the US right now. If you could have a conversation with 6 and 7 year old children whose parents voted for this insanity, what would you tell them? If I bluntly tell a kid "your parents are idiots", they will shut down and stop listening. But if I gently ask questions and get them to question their parents, I feel like some of them will realize on their own that mom and dad aren't always right about everything.