Unexplained symptoms
I am 25 female.
My period has been regular for a year, though my period symptoms have been highly irregular since I stopped taking birth control 4 years ago.
I take Vitamin D and Iron supplements.
I take Melatonin and Magnesia as needed.
I am diagnosed with IBS
At the start of January both me and my boyfriend got very sick with the influenza A virus, during the time I caught pneumonia with an infection count of 140. I was prescribed penicillin, and finished taking it about 10 days ago. I still have a bit of a wet cough, but since pneumonia can take up to a month to clear completely, I am not too worried about that.
Current issue:
Shortly after beginning my penicillin, I began to have a persistent sweet taste in my mouth. I could temporarily get rid of it by brushing my teeth or drinking/eating flavourful things, but it always came back.
Around the start of Febuary, the sweet taste remained (despite an increase in dental hygiene) and I began having a persistent nausia. If I have not eaten in a little while, I will get very nausious. If I eat something that doesnt "suck stomach acid" the nausia usually gets worse. I have thrown up once and been close several other times, usually spurred on by the cough. Around this time, the stuff I was coughing up also started to taste vile.
A few days ago I started having trouble with taste, unless the food was very salty, sweet, or sour, it tastes very bad. Almost bitter, regardless of the food.
Today the sweet taste in my mouth "evolved" and is now a persistent bad taste. It is so gross and bitter, I cannot drink water as it just tastes like my mouth. Any food that doesnt have a stand out taste either tastes like nothing or tastes like my mouth.
I have barely drunk anything today because it is just so gross. I have had trouble eating because unless it was sufficiently flavourful, it was very hard to get through a meal. The second I dont have food in my mouth, the taste returns. The only thing that has staved off the taste for any considerable amount of time was oranges, which left me with a semi-pleasant sweet/sour taste for a good hour.
I am currently eating some popcorn because I was nausious, and the saltiness cuts through the taste a bit.
What have I done:
I have tried cutting out sweets since I read it could be an early indicator of diabetes, but it is hard since I am then left with salty and sour foods to eat. While I am not my ideal weight for my height (165 cm), I am not obese.
I am 99.9% sure I am not pregnant, but I am taking a test tomorrow morning to see if I might be the next virgin Mary.
I probably do not have covid, me and my boyfriend were completely isolated all of January due to illness, and my interaction with other people has been limited since due to my symptoms.
I try to take daily walks, my pneumonia doesnt love it due to the cold dry winter air, but I try.