How to prepare saying goodbye

Hi guys! I still have about 4.5 months left in my contract but things are coming to a close wayyyyy too quickly! I’m currently interviewing future APs with my HF right now and it’s making me so so sad!! I can’t believe this time next year, I’ll be back home. The closer we get, the more real it feels. I honestly think leaving is going to be one of the hardest things I’ll do, which is surprising because I thought coming here was hard. I’ve made such good connections with all three kids and both parents and I can’t imagine leaving them. They each hold such a special place in my heart. The little girl cried yesterday when she heard me talking about going home and that genuinely made me so upset and I ended up crying in my room that evening :( it’s such a bittersweet feeling, knowing how important I am to them and the impact I’ve had but also know it’s only for a few more months

My question is this: how do you deal with saying goodbye to them, not knowing the next time you’ll see them? Any and all advice is appreciated, from both host families and aupairs