Please help

Hi everyone. I am a staff member at Austin Pet’s Alive and I have been debating making this post for a few months now. I know so many of the women in this group foster, volunteer, and adopt from us so I didn’t want to ask for more help but at this time we are desperate.

The city of Austin is drowning in dogs right now. Every day Austin Pet’s Alive is taking multiple dogs from AAC, trying to balance foster returns with no notice, hospitalizing the critical PASS case because a vet quoted someone 4,000 to save it’s life, saving the dog a doordasher dropped off in front of the clinic that had just been hit by a car, rescuing the box of puppies someone left in front of the gate overnight, etc. Everyday there are more cries for help, more people trying to surrender their animals, more rehoming, more animal dumping, more cruelty etc. We have been drowning for months now, but if something doesn’t change soon Austin is going to lose it’s No-Kill title. Austin Pet’s Alive is overflowing and we are expecting to be forced to house dogs in pop up kennels by this upcoming Wednesday, November 15th. This is not safe, it is not fair to the dogs, and it can be so easily prevented. The city of Austin had the privilege of earning it’s No-Kill title because of YOU. We are the largest and longest running No Kill city in the NATION because of you. The city of Austin’s people have opened their homes to our dogs and rallied when we needed them most once before. I know they will again.

As of Thursday, November 9th 4:30 PM Austin Pet’s Alive needs to place 151 dogs.

Please help them. They need you. We need you. Please come foster or adopt. Please donate or volunteer if you can’t.

We can’t do this without you.