You can't win if you're autistic

If you're kind and compassionate, you're "immature" and "naive".

If you're assertive and don't constantly people-please, you're "mean".

If you don't know everything, you're "stupid" and worthless.

If you put make an active effort to be knowledgeable, you're an arrogant asshole and know-it-all for daring to point out when people are wrong.

If you're authentic, people call you weird and creepy.

If you make active efforts not to be weird, people call you inauthentic and creepy.

If you're conscious of your limits and try to work within those limits, people call you "lazy".

If you work yourself to burnout, it's still somehow not enough cos it's never enough, but now you're also "antisocial" because you need time to recover from literally working yourself until you can't do anything anymore.

If you say you're autistic, they might be nicer to your face, but they start treating you like a charity case and don't take you seriously no matter what you do.

Allistic people genuinely upset me so much. No matter what we do, they hate us except when they think they can exploit us - and even then, we get the shit end of the stick.

I'm so tired of this bullshit. There's no way out.