I always find it interesting that Spider, maybe around 7-8 years old at this time, runs off the jungle all by himself to play with his friends.

I know Spider really didn't have a family to really look out for him (Other than Norm telling the little Spider to bring an extra mask with him) but I found it interesting how he got to that point where he could navigate the jungle on his own at such a young age with no adult helping him to get there (and back?). Someone had to have to teach him this skill unless he taught himself or the Sully kids did.

I can imagine little Spider wanting to go outside, considering he has been stuck in the lab with no one to play with. He had to be taught ( by Norm and Max) that he had to wear a mask because humans can't breathe the air outside. I wonder what his first day outside is like and how his first meeting with the Sully kids is. And how he got to a point he goes out on his own.

I'm sure Spider memorizes where the Sullys live and how to get back. He is so independent for his age.

As for how Spider managed to navigate the jungle without getting harmed by Pandora's predators like Viperwolfs? Could it actually be blue stripes? Maybe? Is Ewya watching out for him, who knows?

All this could really be in a comic to cover Spider's childhood. I found the human child raised on Pandora's concept