Positive birth story (24/5/24)

I wanted to spread some positivity by posting my birth story that didnt’t go according to plan at all.

My due date was set on 20/5/2024 but nothing happend that day and on 22/5 I had an appointment at my OBGYN office to discuss a membrane sweep and induction. Since there were no complications they wanted to do the membrane sweep when I would be 41+1 and induction at 42+0 if things didn’t happen naturally. I was really sad about that because I wanted the baby out and I was over being pregnant.

The night of 24/5 my water broke at 2 AM. I was so excited so I wasn’t able to sleep anymore (they suggested I wait for contractions that are 4 minutes apart and last for a minute before contacting the office) at 3:45 I started timing my contractions as they came in pretty frequent at that point. At 5:45 I contacted my OBGYN to let her know contractions had started, she came to check on me 1 hour later. I ended up being 3cm dilated which sadly wasn’t enough to go to the hospital yet. She would revisit 2 hours later to check on me agaln.

By the time she came again I was in pain and 5cm dilated so we were allowed to drive to the hospital. During our 15 minute drive to the hospital I was in complete agony. The whole drive felt like it last 2 hours instead of 15 minutes. I told my boyfriend as soon as we enter the hospital I want an epidural.

By the time we arrived at the hospital and checked in I was 9.5 cm dilated and already had a strong urge to push. Epidural was out of the question and I was gonna have to deliver this baby the natural way, which I wasn’t prepared for (I absolutely hate pain and wanted to make it as comfortable as possible for myself).

As soon as I hit 10 cm it was go-time to push. I pushed for 45 minutes and baby boy was born. The ring of fire was probably the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced but it was so worth it to hold him afterwards. No tearing or stiches were needed, and baby boy was born a healthy 7 lb 11 oz.

The whole labour took 8.5 hours and I’m so proud of myself and my body for being able to do this.