When did you start really preparing for baby?

I’m panicking and mostly need someone to tell me that I’m not a massive fuck up.

I’m 25 weeks today. And there is still so much to be done, purchased, cleaned out and organized. I was going to pull the trigger on some bigger purchases for baby this week and then my cat needed emergency surgery that was not cheap.

We’ve obviously started doing some things and we have some basic essentials, but I feel woefully underprepared and now I’ll need a paycheck or two to get back into the swing of things to keep from touching my savings.

Whenever I get stressed I get so sick now, so I’m trying to just relax and get my feet under me again but it’s hard when this seemingly endless to do list is just looming over my shoulder making me feel like a failure.

At what point did you make your big baby purchases and get everything set up?