How long til the hate boner towards DICE/EA last?
YES I GET IT no pre order and sht cus granted I don't have money to buy it except for free downloads occasionally
But how long til you hated 2042 sure it's sht and didn't deserve the Battlefield title but if you chose a quiet era of no Battlefield games created instead of 2042 created y'all be mad and think the devs were either lazy or quietly died down
And ffs they didn't even show Gameplay footage yet and the test game isn't coming out til tomorrow and y'all keep trashimg those mfs like they fcked your fam or something because "uhh duh EA corruption, Old DICE devs left cus of bad management they deserve to be punished for creating 2042
Ok then what if 2042 wasn't created and instead we have a quiet era where from 2021-2023 no announcements has been made?
You think 2042 didn't deserve to have the battlefield name and title?
Y'all go play 3,4, v, and 1 cause they're the last Golden Age Battlefields that ever left now, and Idk why EA and DICE haven't shut down as of late already which is considered weird in your taste
Either way... If you want to FCK DICE or EA why can't you just boycott it instead?