What Is Your Unpopular Wedding Opinion?

I love this subreddit and feel like it’s a safe space to share some opinions that I think would otherwise get you annihilated in the other wedding subreddits. My unpopular opinion is that I think it’s totally fine to ask your guests to wear particular colors at your wedding especially if there is enough advance notice. People always go to the “guests aren’t props” response but I seen a user in another subreddit share the other day that they were invited to a wedding where guests were told to wear denim and cowboy boots and I felt people didn’t have the same energy towards that request even though most people don’t own a pair of cowboy boots. I think the response was lighter because people think it’s more affordable opposed to a black tie wedding where all guests are asked to wear black and gold for instance. I feel like if all of your guests appear to be fine with the request it really shouldn’t be an issue.