Dissociating/ Depersonalization/ vertiligo.... Idk, I am not even sure
I got diagnosed with BPD less than a year ago and things started making more sense since then. I used to see a therapist and shit did get better, but recently all those crazy intrusive thoughts are coming back. And not just that, for the last few days, every time I lay down or turn around it feels like my heads spinning and everything feels like I am watching it happen like I am wearing a VR headset. Ofc I can feel it happen.... But I just feel like it's just happening in my head or the screen is just spinning around and nothing is happening irl. I have experienced depersonalization before, or what I feel it was.... But now it feels like something similar is happening. Has this happened to anyone else and how did you get rid of this because I have gotten tests done and nothing's wrong. And well I don't wanna admit it but this is scaring me a lot...