NASAH (Non Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage) Recovery Experience and Timeline
My mother, 61 F, had a NASAH on Christmas Eve. Random excruciating headache and she was airlifted to Emory University Hospital when the smaller hospital she was at couldn't identify the cause of the bleed. After a cerebral angiogram and brain MRI there was no cause found for the bleed (mid brain near brain stem). The neurosurgeons told us the prognosis is excellent compared to bleeds caused by aneurysms.
Its been about two weeks and her headaches have let up but her lower body is in a lot of pain. Specifically her butt and hamstrings. She started having uncomfortable tightening to one of her hamstrings last night. Has anyone else experienced this and is it permanent? Any insight on long term recovery?
EDIT: She has a follow up with the neurologist 1/24 and a follow up CTA and cerebral angiogram 3 months post bleed. I will ask about looking into any malformations.