Meeple may be balanced

We are usually used to broken brawlers but Meeple might actually be balanced. Here's why.

Pros -His main attack does quite a lot of damage at 2600(same damage as a Mandy shot) and it homes onto the target and while the homing isn't as significant as Piper's gadget or Belle's hypercharge super, it still homes.

-His super allows to him AND his teammates to pierce through walls without breaking them for the next 10 seconds. If the enemy team don't have a wall breaker, they can't fight back and throwers are cooked.

-Both gadgets are really good as the first one is like a Sprout super as a gadget and pairs really well with the super and is really funny trapping a brawler in the walls, while his second one has a ridiculous stun range and knockback when he's low on hp.

-His reload speed star power when he's in his super also gives his teammates this buff.


-Meeple has a ridiculous slow reload speed at 2.3 seconds(similar to Piper) so you can't waste shots with him.

-He also has a really slow unload speed so he can't burst very quickly.

-He only has 5200 health, which his the same as Belle so most brawlers can 2 shot him(he might get a health buff, but we can't trust the source).

-He only has a normal movement speed and cannot speed himself up, making him a prime target for assassins.

-His super only pierces through walls, and doesn't help at all on defense.

-He takes a really long time to get super(5 shots normally and 4 shots with damage star power) so he can't change the game often.

-His second gadget only is impactful when he's about to die.

-His DPS and DOT(Damage Over Time) are both awful with his slow reload and unload speed.

I think in draft with the right bans, he will be pretty good as a jack of all trades brawler like Gus or Lola, a master of none but decent at everything. I think High B, Low A is pretty good for him. What do you think about Meeple?