The Hockey Mode is the worst Mode ever created
It’s not fun, every game goes like 30 seconds and Most Grals can‘t be defended. Like seriously there so many goals possible from your goal straight to the other. The „Ball“ is also way to fast that even when you have a brawler that is already very fast with additional movement like gadget or super you still can‘t catch it. Sometimes my teammates just shoot somewhere and instantly get a goal. The fact that it’s 2v2 is also not making the mode better. It’s making it worse since you have to either score a goal in your first move or you instantly receive one. With 3 players on each team you at least could have on defender with mortis/kenji who could maybe defend if you are in a call with your teammates. The goal is also way to big and in the map that is currently in rotation you can score almost from every part of the map. It’s just horrible. This makes me actually thinking if the team even plays their own game