W9D3 Done - Ran 5K
I felt like I owed it to the guy who invented this program to run 5K by W9D3. Stupid I know, but I did it and am feeling super happy about it.
This felt like a good run and I broke all of my previous records apart from 400M.
Kept the heart pinned to the peak zone for half an hour. Happy about that too. By the time I got to 4KM mark, I started feeling a slightly sharp pain towards the back of my right side( behind the area at the bottom of my right side ribs). Not sure what this is. It went away when I slowed down a bit.
Also, I felt today that slightly leaning over will make you faster. Didn't try this position for a long distance as the rest of my body couldn't keep up with the speed.
For the first time ever, my map data didn't load to Strava. Not sure why this happened.