Warzone has lost soo much of its personality
Warzone is currently SO far away from what people fell in love with and enjoyed... How WZ2 and current WZ got the greenlight is fucking insanity... WZ2 caused the game to derail and then a shit map right after with Urzikstan and having the same meta for months on end. Urzikstan has no major POI until Season 5 of MW3... We get superstore and now its removed with BO6 integration lol, no wonder people are phasing away from the game. I'm glad Verdansk is coming back but they HAVE to get more of the fundamentals right before doing so. Floating loot simply needs to return its 100% better looting system then what we currently have, items CONSTANTLY phasing through walls, floors and getting stuck in other items, why fix what was never broke?! They need to remove satchel stacking and only allow us to carry 1 or just keep only the armour satchel like WZ1? Give us a new gulag every season, we've had the same boring ass gulag for over a year... Vehicle movement in WZ1 was amazing, not this boaty slow shit, they seem to change it every 6-9 months randomly but make so little change (they clearly know we want it) Verticle buy station menu... it was simple and easy to navigate. Event spam is annoying I miss when it was only restock and jail break and they was rare, now its every game