Sniffing Fiat CAN bus

Hello I'm a total noob when it comes to CAN bus communication (I have some basics on the workings). Anyway i hooked up ma USB to CAN dongle (U-CAN running candlelight firmware) and I used CANgaroo to capture packets. First I tapped in to the OBD connector pins 6 and 14 and set the baud to 500k. This should be the high speed can. To my suprise I saw a bunch of packets that update every 100ms, 1s,2s.. the thing that bothered me is that I saw avout 20 packets, tgis to me seem wayyyyyy to low. So I figured I should rap directly to the bus since maybe the OBD goes trough the BCM and it could filter out most packets. So I searched for the wires and tapped again and the same thing happend 🤷‍♂️. What am I missing? Is it still the wrong bus? Is the dongle at fault (limitations) Thank you

Hello I'm a total noob when it comes to CAN bus communication (I have some basics on the workings). Anyway i hooked up ma USB to CAN dongle (U-CAN running candlelight firmware) and I used CANgaroo to capture packets. First I tapped in to the OBD connector pins 6 and 14 and set the baud to 500k. This should be the high speed can. To my suprise I saw a bunch of packets that update every 100ms, 1s,2s.. the thing that bothered me is that I saw avout 20 packets, tgis to me seem wayyyyyy to low. So I figured I should rap directly to the bus since maybe the OBD goes trough the BCM and it could filter out most packets. So I searched for the wires and tapped again and the same thing happend 🤷‍♂️. What am I missing? Is it still the wrong bus? Is the dongle at fault (limitations) Thank you