Napping in your 40s.

I find myself in a position of not working this year. I’m about to start a masters program, and I am mainly home based though go for two long walks a day with my dog.

There’s been a lot of change in my life recently. New country, not working, masters, etc.

It might be stress and anxiety (I am definitely feeling a bit of that!) and I know it can be draining, but just curious if daily naps on top of a very healthy nights sleep is something I should be concerned about.

I didn’t nap when I worked full time (up until Just recently) and I was fine. But I just find myself getting to 2 or 3 pm and wanting a nap. I probably get 10 or 11 hours sleep altogether every day.

Normal for a 40 something gal?

Are you in your 40s? Do you nap?