My mom started taking thyroid medication and has lost over 40lbs.
My mom developed a thyroid condition as a side effect of her 2nd pregnancy. It's gone untreated for years, because medicine in the US is expensive.
For almost my entire life, she's been morbidly obese (BMI of almost 50.) She eats only one meal a day (when she remembers to eat) and it's always a small, reasonably sized meal. She's not much of a snacker and she doesn't drink sugary drinks all day. But she still never fluctuated more than a few pounds. It's like her metabolism is nearly nonexistent.
Within the past year, she finally started taking thyroid medicine, and she's shed over 40 pounds. It's amazing to see her feeling so much better. She's always been so unhappy with her weight (she was skinny and athletic until her pregnancy) so I'm happy to see her finally regain some of her confidence and self-esteem.
So, let this be a lesson... If you can't lose weight no matter what you do, get your thyroid checked! Medical issues really do interfere with your ability to gain or lose weight.