Wife thinks it’s weird that if I was sleeping alone I could be content in a twin size bed

We sleep in a king. Great for two people, honestly. Anytime I’ve stayed at a hotel with a queen size or bigger, I still end up sleeping at the edge of the bed. I’ve relaxed and sprawled out in the middle of a huge bed, but I can’t recall ever calling it a night and sleeping smack dab in the middle. I mean if I’m just sleeping, twin should be fine. This whole post is strictly about sleeping. I’ve never tossed and turned more than a foot or two. Am I the crazy one? She’s telling me our son will have a full size bed when he reaches his teen years. I slept in a twin until my early twenties due to dorms in college. It was a pretty final opinion on her part. I also appreciated how much extra room the twin gave me in the space. Anyway, just one of those weird “I didn’t know this was that important to you” moments. She grew up with a full size bed so maybe she had a bad experience sleeping in a twin at some point. Could you handle just sleeping in a twin? Why or why not?