I prayed Yesterday, some random guy I never met before literally answered my prayer today.
So I Prayed for wisdom and guidance yesterday, I dont remember praying for wisdom specifically before. Guidance I have in the past. I wake up and start the day normal go to work ect. Randomly throughout my shift a get a trucker that came to pickup a load (normal) he leaves and says god bless you. I say god bless you man and he leaves. He walks back to his truck then turns around walks back in the door and tells me hey read this verse, names one, then says another one or two then says god bless you and leaves again. Now i cant remember the last 2 he said but I wrote down the 1st one. Im not even joking the bible verse he told me is literally my biggest struggle and hit the nail on the head. Now i‘m kinda freaking out and don‘t really know what to do.