Getting signs from both Christianity and Islam.

I just can't decide which religion is the truth, and which one is right for me. I was struggling with deciding which religion to believe in, so I prayed to God to just show me the truth, whether it's Christianity or Islam. I've gotten dreams showing me Islams the way, like me saying the shahada, but other moments showing me Christianity is, like seeing John 3:16 pass by me as I was driving. I feel like since I am born Muslim I'm naturally more inclined to Islam, but Christianity makes a lot of sense to me too. I've seen both Islam and Christianity be "debunked", and then proven right, and can understand that there will never be unison between these two and will have to decide one. If one is right, then the other is false, so the other faith is going to hell. Overall, I don't know what to do and it's really messing with my mental health. If someone could help me l'd appreciate it.