Church Feels like a cult
The biggest and most regretful decision i have done is to become the youth leader at my church. Basically, I oversee youth activities and plan events like fundraising, outreach and witnessing. I was told this is a good position and all that crap you tell when you need someone to fill up an empty spot. So I was voluntold (saw this coming) and just said whatever. Now everyone expects me to be free and to always take up resposibility. Nobody cares about my own personal life or work it's just becuase i am here i can do their 'bidding'.Other times I was called during work, it wasn't urgent but they feely interrupted me. I've was once asked to run an errand which i declined because it interrupted me when i wanted to listen to the service and just attend church. People expect me to do last minute speeches or work around the church, they only see me as labour and i do not feel appreciated.
I wanted to quit this leadership position because of the constant frustration and burnout. People are quick to point out my flaws but not ready to fix them, like they are the first to say i did x wrong but never assist me with it. I wanted to quit but i can't. I was not allowed by my own parents because it will ruin their reputation. My leadership team always leaves things expecting me to pick up their slack. Then those who have not done anything criticise my work, same people who dropped the ball.
I've thought of even taking a break from church because every single day people need me to do something even at working hours.
Also, there are things i cannot ask or say in the church? Like i want to be able to learn not to be told 'you cannot say that'. Like asking about money and misappropriation of funds at church, i wanted to ask about it but no I'm not allowed. (TLDR pastor was given a new car from money for building the church and we kinda went into debt and the congregants were asked to pay the debt) I am not allowed to ask about anything that involves church politics.
We must celebrate events like pastor's welcome, birthday and pastors appreciation day which is fine. However, the problem is that we are given monetary goals to reach per organization. Like ages 18-25 must collectively raise 200 bucks (which goes into his pocket, yes he has a salary). Like we cannot even afford that because of our own lifestyles but are pressured to do so. This is not giving from the heart or whether we want it becomes a mandate. And boy some people throw money around like it is nothing. "Church needs x, yes here's 500 bucks"
I want to respect leaders without having to put them on a pedestal and even needing money or giving them something material.
Personally, I have felt like crying because i feel hopeless, overworked and like a piece of furniture. I want to leave this church altogether and even take a break from going to church because I am starting to feel so much hate in my heart. At some point i felt like Moses in Numbers 11:14-15
"I cannot carry all these people by myself; the burden is too heavy for me. If this is how you are going to treat me, please go ahead and k\** me—if I have found favor in your eyes—and do not let me face my own ruin"*
As a person i am not growing or feeling like my soul is feeling fulfilled, i forgot that feeling and feel so lost. This church does not feel like the place i want to be. Not sure where I even am in my faith, i pray but I'm confused and feel conflicted. I finally understand why people say Christianity is a cult.