_____ fucked around and found out
Dawn is the ultimate example of "fuck around and find out"
A middle aged white woman who stumbled upon a secret that should have never been told to her realized how bored she was, and decided to insert herself (or nick) into the lives of these mentally unwell women looking for love. All because she was bored and needed some excitement. And after everything was said and done, she lost the one person she still had to truely love (her husband) and presumably went to jail.
I find it hard to feel bad for her. Instead of picking up a new hobby or trying to make new friends...she emotionally manipulates strangers which ends in the death of an innocent man. I don't find her tears touching or making me feel sympathetic. She's sad because her actions had consequences. She had no problem kidnapping Kai (a teenager!!!) or throwing his phone out the window. She clearly knew she was guilty.