Group project - what the hell, man.

We have to create our own 3 person groups and pick our own topic related to the class, then do a 20 minute presentation. This is 30% of our grade.

I have a topic that I'm actually really interested in personally that would make a fantastic presentation. I started to get excited about it.

Half the class comes in right as class starts (12:30pm), the other half comes in 30-45 minutes late. No one wants to be there (it's a core requirement, one of 5 choices and most people picked it because it sounded easiest of the options - a lot of people outright said it during the first class during icebreaker bullshit) so no one stays to chat after class. I'm having a hard time just forming a freaking group.

I started a GroupMe and almost everyone joined it immediately. Made a thread with my topic and presented a case for why I'm into it and subtopics that would fit in nicely. No response. Actually that's not quite true -- One kid responded to try to sell some concert tickets. Seemingly no one else is talking to each other or trying to form groups either.

I'm so bummed and frustrated. I'm actually really wanting to present this topic and I can't get anyone to bite. I'm a non-traditional commuter student in my 30s. I haven't been having troubles in my other classes but I can't connect with anyone in this one :(.