my partners keep telling to stop and i can’t.

I’m M(24) and my two partners have noticed my skin picking. it has gotten progressively worse over months.. the one spot i’ve been obsessing over started as a pimple. I will attach photos below. Last night, I was anxious which led to me picking my skin, I even KNEW I was doing it but kept digging. One of my partners turns to me and goes “I wish you wouldn’t.” and I said “Yeah, me too.” and they said “I know.” Something about that exchange broke my heart, if it was easy for me to just stop i would. but it’s sensory overload to me to have crust on my face, or anything like that. However, the stinging isn’t much better and its worsened a ton. First photo was the spot back on OCTOBER 30th, second photo is today, parts have healed and it’s spread and moved to a different part of my face a little bit, but the scar is there. I don’t want to hurt my partners by picking anymore. both of them have commented on it. I have an autism and OCD diagnosis so I’m pretty sure they could be related to this but :( does anybody have ANY TIPS to stop at all ?