Can anyone tell me why he did this?

This is Juice (Beetlejuice) my usually sweet conure. Just a couple minutes ago i went to take him out of his cage for some cuddles cause he wouldn't stop chattering, he stepped up all sweetly and gave my hand a little love nibble and then i tried to give him a kiss (cause hes trained to give kisses) and he just lunged and bit my lip super hard. It really fuckin hurt too, still does. I dropped him on the floor (which was only like 2 feet away cause i was sitting down and hes fine) and then picked him up with a blanket cause he looked like he was gonna bite again, put him back in his cage and told him No very firmly. He looked at me all innocent too like "What did i do?" I feel a little bit bad for almost throwing him back in his cage cause I didn't wanna get bit again but also like why did he bite? He never bites that hard even when hes mad and if he didn't want to come out he wouldn't have stepped up so i dont know why he did that.

This is Juice (Beetlejuice) my usually sweet conure. Just a couple minutes ago i went to take him out of his cage for some cuddles cause he wouldn't stop chattering, he stepped up all sweetly and gave my hand a little love nibble and then i tried to give him a kiss (cause hes trained to give kisses) and he just lunged and bit my lip super hard. It really fuckin hurt too, still does. I dropped him on the floor (which was only like 2 feet away cause i was sitting down and hes fine) and then picked him up with a blanket cause he looked like he was gonna bite again, put him back in his cage and told him No very firmly. He looked at me all innocent too like "What did i do?" I feel a little bit bad for almost throwing him back in his cage cause I didn't wanna get bit again but also like why did he bite? He never bites that hard even when hes mad and if he didn't want to come out he wouldn't have stepped up so i dont know why he did that.