I’ve given up
He’ll get the best care he can have but six months of working non stop with this is GCC and he will not warm up what so ever.
12 hours of rest, healthy chop diet. Toys, big cage. Tried target training for a few months to no success.
All he wants to do is be in his cage or on it. He has wings, can fly but chooses to stay on top of his cage. Hes not scared of me, will approach me happily but if I attempt to interact with him it’s a bite-a-thon.
Hes 15 and rehommed. I have little to no info on the previous owners other than they were old and died.
I’ve just concluded that he’ll never be cute and cuddly like the birds I see on here and it’s pretty depressing but he’s happy and healthy so that’s what’s important I suppose.