Every time Arena opens, every character should get a special token that lets them mint a single piece of gear that was minted by another character of the same account.
I like minting for Arena. It does a lot to guarantee Arena isn't a shitshow, by ensuring money isn't the end-all-be-all of kit building, encouraging people to engage with the dungeon mode and not just play Arena exclusively, leveling out the power-curve of gear in Arena by forcing compromises on what you have access to, and meaning Marketplace gear for the dungeon mode is less expensive. It's a good system.
Problem is, it's maddening when you play multiple characters. If you're a Wizard main, but happen to be playing Fighter, finding a Legendary Phoenix Choker on that Fighter feels like a punishment from playing outside your main - if you were on your Wizard, you'd have a new bit of Arena BIS right now. I understand why minting is per character - because if it wasn't, Solos would be full of Rogues/Druids/Bards running around looting everything in sight while avoiding combat at all costs, class diversity would disappear in Arena as people could simply combine all their minted gear onto the strongest relevant classes (as opposed to allowing less popular classes to shine with particularly good minted gear), and highly effective kits would be rotated between classes rather than independently created - but I still think there's room for it to exist in a very limited capacity.
For example, once a week, each character you have gets access to a single, special token. Using that token, you can take any piece of gear minted in the name of another character on your account, and re-mint it in the name of your current character. That way, you finding the transferred gear is still a requirement, and with only one transfer per week, you'd still need to collect a majority of the gear you intend to use - only critical gear you find on other characters would be appropriate for this system. In the previous example of the Wizard main playing Fighter, they can now re-mint that Legendary Phoenix Choker in the name of their Wizard and use it in Arena - but that's the only piece of gear they can do it with for the whole week on their Wizard.