Spectral Knight question (for this Actual Season)

I've been trying to master soloing this boss for a few days now. Most of time I'm successful but I want to stop running from or phantomizing during his 1/3 hp transitition attack (when he screams "DIE!") and want to be able to actually avoid or parry it.

All of the guides/tutorials I've seen on youtube mentions that he does an Upper horizontal slash, then a lower one, so technically we could just 'jump' then 'crouch' right after. But I can swear I've seen him switch this order but I can't seem to find anything that proves that (wiki, guides).

Is this true? (that the Spectral Knight can do a lower horizontal slash then a upper slash during the 'DIE!' attack or I'm being crazy?

If it is, do you have any tips for what cues we should be looking for to antecipate which is going to come first?