What's your favourite stealth minigame in Supermassive Games's titles?

My rankings are

1.Keep Calm (DPA)

2.Don't Move (Until Dawn)

  1. Hide (TDIM)

  2. Don't Breathe (The Quarry)

I really like Keep Calm because it's very versatile, and tense. It can be used on all platforms, and for all sorts of moments. Sneaking around? Hiding from a killer? Eavesdropping? Sure thing. And, it's still tense and engaging. The only downside is that in my experience fps dropped in these moments, upping the difficulty significantly. (I was playing on Switch.) Don't move, on the other hand is very good for immersion and is good both conceptually and practically, but to use it you need a gamepad with a gyroscope, so no PC or Xbox support. Don't Breathe.... Well, it may sound good, but come on. Holding one button and wait it out? Meh. Anyone can do that, and even the timer doesn't make it much harder. And Hide? There's nothing interesting in this mechanic, but nothing bad. It's just mediocre. My opinion may be inaccurate, because I only played MoM.