2 cups method question

I seem to remember a long time ago reading on the original sub (that is now read only), a suggestion NOT to do the 2 glasses jump "too often". Search as I may, I can not find any mention of this now anywhere.

I do not remember how often was regarded as too often. Does anyone know or have a link to such a post from years past?

Also, I seem to remember that the reason wasn't that you couldn't jump often with the 2 cups method, or that anything bad about it per se, that we jump all the time anyway, but it wasn't recommended because the person who wrote it (not sure if it was u/triumphantgeorge or not) said it was just making a habit of micromanaging stuff or something? Can someone share any insight on this?

EDIT: When I say do it again I mean it may be on different subjects, same subject but more specifuc/general, or even the exact same if it hasn't shown the results yet.