My experience with the two glasses technique

So I heard about the two glasses technique from this reddit and decided to try it out.

I live in Australia and had recently returned after a year of living in the UK. I loved it but I also put on a huge amount of weight over there and since I've been back I've been trying to lose it with not as much progress as I'd like. I put on about 6 or 7kgs (15 lbs). I was super happy with my body and fitness before I left Australia but the cold and all the travelling caused me to eat a lot and not exercise much.

So I decided to see if the two cups thing could help. On one cup I put my weight, unmotivated, lazy, bad diet etc.. and on the cup I wanted to change into I put my goal weight, exercising 3-4 times p/week, fit, healthy, good diet etc...

I did the ritual and then tried to leave it all alone and not think about it too much. At first, I seemed to be going backwards, I didn't want to exercises, I was extra lazy and extra hungry. My weight went up a bit again and I got sad and angry with myself. So I sat down and did something I do occasionally when my emotions are going haywire. I listened to myself, I wrote down some feelings and did some drawing and I came to the conclusion that I was being way too hard on myself and expecting me to just go back to how I was before, overnight, was me being unfair to me. So I let it go and decided to be happy with where I'm at right now.

Suddenly the weight started dropping off. I don't need to comfort eat so much anymore. I'm exercising a lot more and I feel good about my body again. I'm still about 2kgs (4.5lbs) away from my goal weight but I'm not so worried anymore and I've decide to maintain this weight for a few weeks before I go into any rash dieting again.

I conclusion, I do think this has helped me, but it's still a work in progress and I think it's good to be patient with yourself whilst waiting for your goal to happen. It's probably not going to happen over night, but if you listen to yourself and the signs you just might get there! Also, don't be afraid to put in your own hard work to reach your goals too, if need be...

Hopefully this helps anyone who is thinking about trying it.