Does Ankama have a marketing issue?

So I recently watched a fun video by Josh Strife Hayes where he collates the top 250 best MMO's by reviewing all the YT videos and articles giving a typical 'Best Top 10 MMO' videos. It was a fun video.

Now the point of this post. Where do you think Ankama games came in the list? Wakfu was about #240 and Waven about #200, if I remember correctly. So I thought, well Dofus will surely be top #100. After all on the launch day of Dofus Unity, it was the most viewed game on twitch.

Well it turns out somehow, Dofus didn't even make the list. Bare in mind this list was for fun and about 1/6th of the list probably wasn't even MMO'S. But not a single mention of Dofus. This is because over the past X years not a single article or YT video has mentioned Dofus in a 'Top MMO list'. Not once?

Ankama has a gem of a game and we know it's massive in France, but why can't it get the recognition it deserves abroad? I have never seen a Dofus/Ankama advert ever. I, like many probably found the game like 15+ years ago on that Flash games website (forgot the name of it), and have kept coming back ever since.

I feel a lot of people would play Dofus if they had ever heard of it. I think Touch is popular so maybe if Dofus 3.0 goes to mobile it will bring more people in.

I'm just shocked how Ankama don't try and advertise this game a bit more.

Discussion/feedback welcome.

Link for the video if you're interested -