My dog unexpectedly passed from hemangiosarcoma

I don’t really post much on Reddit but my fiance and I are dealing with painful grief because had to unexpectedly put our little guy, Rusty, down because he had a tumor on his heart that ruptured. Just typing this and saying that he’s gone is a complete shock and seems almost unbelievable. Literally just yesterday morning he seemed completely normal and healthy, my fiance and him went on their morning 20 minute walk, he ran to our house because he was excited to get his breakfast, and was being playful/silly right up until the last minute. I was getting ready to go out to work and my fiance was reading book and then all of a sudden we heard strange breathing/rustling under our bed (Rusty liked to burrow and nap there) and then the scariest screaming/yelling we’ve ever heard started. My fiance lifted the bed frame and I pulled him out while he was still screaming and completely dead weight. Then he stopped and tried to sit up but was swaying like he was drunk and was completely wobbly. At one point he tried to walk and was stumbling and fell on his side. That’s when we really knew something completely wrong. So we rushed him to his normal vet and they did a physical and then an ultrasound. There they found fluid in his sac surrounding his heart, they weren’t sure what was causing the fluid and they said it could be internal bleeding and that a tumor on his heart ruptured. But they said we need to go to a vet ER ASAP and referred us to one not far from it and called them to let them know we were on our way.

When we got there they took him right in and placed us in a room. 15 or so minutes later go by and the doctor came in and confirmed with their staff vet cardiologist that he had a heart tumor and it was hemangiosarcoma. They said it’s more common in larger dog breeds and very rare for Rusty’s dog size and breed. He was an 8-year old, 15lb Jack Russell mix and just full of life, sweet natured, and calmest dog (believe it or not it with a Jack Russell haha). But to hear those words and tell us it’s inoperable was a dagger to the heart. As soon as they said heart cancer, my fiance and I knew that this was it. They explained to us that there were only 2 ways to treat this bad of a rupture and it was either to just drain the fluid around his heart but we mostly likely would have to come back every so couple of days or weeks but it was very costly and very painful for him. They even said they weren’t sure if his little body could handle that kind of stress. The 2nd treatment was of course, euthanize. We knew the most humane way to treat him was to do the 2nd option and so we did. Saying goodbye was the most painful decision but also seeing him so confused, tired, and in pain was intense and traumatic. I’m very worried for my fiance because rusty was his dog before I came into the picture and he had him for 4 years and I was there for his last 4 years. But I know my fiancé’s mental health is at its all time low, and he’s supposed to be starting a new job on Monday and we’re getting married in 10 months. All of these life plans we had included Rusty being there for all of it, a new home, baby, etc. and to just have him gone in less than 24 hrs is unbelievable and surreal to me. Our whole weekly routine was centered around him and to have him gone just like that feels the rug was completely pulled out from under us, especially my fiancé’s. I found him crying in the living room holding his dog collar at 2AM, and I’ve just been crying off and on in my sleep. I swear sometimes I can see him at the corner of my eye or I get a really strong whiff of him as if he’s right next to me cuddling in the morning. I guess I’m just trying to deal with grief and hear other people’s stories about losing their dog to this silent killer. This even shocked the vets we saw bc by any other standard, rusty was a very healthy and happy boy. We literally had his checkup last weekend and they said he was so healthy, and less than 48 hrs later he was gone. Like how could we have caught this?! Was this something preventable???

I don’t really post much on Reddit but my fiance and I are dealing with painful grief because had to unexpectedly put our little guy, Rusty, down because he had a tumor on his heart that ruptured. Just typing this and saying that he’s gone is a complete shock and seems almost unbelievable. Literally just yesterday morning he seemed completely normal and healthy, my fiance and him went on their morning 20 minute walk, he ran to our house because he was excited to get his breakfast, and was being playful/silly right up until the last minute. I was getting ready to go out to work and my fiance was reading book and then all of a sudden we heard strange breathing/rustling under our bed (Rusty liked to burrow and nap there) and then the scariest screaming/yelling we’ve ever heard started. My fiance lifted the bed frame and I pulled him out while he was still screaming and completely dead weight. Then he stopped and tried to sit up but was swaying like he was drunk and was completely wobbly. At one point he tried to walk and was stumbling and fell on his side. That’s when we really knew something completely wrong. So we rushed him to his normal vet and they did a physical and then an ultrasound. There they found fluid in his sac surrounding his heart, they weren’t sure what was causing the fluid and they said it could be internal bleeding and that a tumor on his heart ruptured. But they said we need to go to a vet ER ASAP and referred us to one not far from it and called them to let them know we were on our way.

When we got there they took him right in and placed us in a room. 15 or so minutes later go by and the doctor came in and confirmed with their staff vet cardiologist that he had a heart tumor and it was hemangiosarcoma. They said it’s more common in larger dog breeds and very rare for Rusty’s dog size and breed. He was an 8-year old, 15lb Jack Russell mix and just full of life, sweet natured, and calmest dog (believe it or not it with a Jack Russell haha). But to hear those words and tell us it’s inoperable was a dagger to the heart. As soon as they said heart cancer, my fiance and I knew that this was it. They explained to us that there were only 2 ways to treat this bad of a rupture and it was either to just drain the fluid around his heart but we mostly likely would have to come back every so couple of days or weeks but it was very costly and very painful for him. They even said they weren’t sure if his little body could handle that kind of stress. The 2nd treatment was of course, euthanize. We knew the most humane way to treat him was to do the 2nd option and so we did. Saying goodbye was the most painful decision but also seeing him so confused, tired, and in pain was intense and traumatic. I’m very worried for my fiance because rusty was his dog before I came into the picture and he had him for 4 years and I was there for his last 4 years. But I know my fiancé’s mental health is at its all time low, and he’s supposed to be starting a new job on Monday and we’re getting married in 10 months. All of these life plans we had included Rusty being there for all of it, a new home, baby, etc. and to just have him gone in less than 24 hrs is unbelievable and surreal to me. Our whole weekly routine was centered around him and to have him gone just like that feels the rug was completely pulled out from under us, especially my fiancé’s. I found him crying in the living room holding his dog collar at 2AM, and I’ve just been crying off and on in my sleep. I swear sometimes I can see him at the corner of my eye or I get a really strong whiff of him as if he’s right next to me cuddling in the morning. I guess I’m just trying to deal with grief and hear other people’s stories about losing their dog to this silent killer. This even shocked the vets we saw bc by any other standard, rusty was a very healthy and happy boy. We literally had his checkup last weekend and they said he was so healthy, and less than 48 hrs later he was gone. Like how could we have caught this?! Was this something preventable???