EU Dota matches ARE (unintentionally) rigged, and Valve admitted it years ago
As everyone is aware, Valve stated years ago that matchmaking tries to match you based on location. This is important. Hold the thought.
On its own this would be fine.
Now let's take a look at the EU servers. Russia, EU West, and EU East. Let's pretend you're a German player who plays on EU West. You are extremely likely to get a bunch of people on your team speaking various languages, all who probably either belong at their MMR, or rarely, bought their account. You will also encounter eastern players such as Iranians and Serbians, as the matchmaker would rather put them on your team because all of the players on the enemy team are Russian and it wants them to share a team with the same language. This is possible because there are MORE Russian players.
So we already have a case where the enemy has a communication advantage, but this is the LEAST concerning part.
Now, you're being intentionally matched with people ideally closer to you. Maybe some UK guys, some people from Poland etc. The aim of this is that you'll see far less Russians on your team that you can't communicate with. THIS IS BAD.
Almost all of the boosters and scripters are Russian. You will be far less likely to have them on your team, and far MORE likely to see them on the enemy. You are also far MORE likely to have an account buyer on your own team, as the people with money to buy these accounts and essentially the target audience for sites like PlayerAuctions is westerners.
This leads to the average difficulty for dota matches to be HIGHER at the SAME MMR if you live in Western Europe. I have no idea if there are similar divides on other servers, but this is a major problem, and some transparency needs to come to light about how this matchmaker actually works, because if it's true that it tries to language and location-match people, this is a huge deal.