Why are we accusing ESL of being hypocritical?

Cheaters do not deserve to compete. ESL did the right thing disqualifying NAVI jr, and disqualifying the other revealed cheaters is the right thing to do also. But doing so will be an enormous financial hit to ESL. They only realized this after learning just how many people were cheating. At this point it would be totally valid to reinstate NAVI jr and let the tournament go on to save their asses, they are a business after all, while making a statement condoning all of the cheating.

Anyone reasonable can understand this is the best decision. The only reason they are feeling stuck is because they know they will be accused of being hypocritical or greedy by some internet idiots. Reinstating NAVI jr does not mean they believe cheating is okay, and it shouldn't be some shocking revelation that a business prioritizes profits.

Cut out this part when you post, payment from ESL should have gone through by now

But seriously though let's not knee jerk and think things through