"Big Update Coming" - I knew the update would be about ending the Crownfall.

The update was Archiving the Crownfall... I understand people wanted Arhciving of Crownfall Mini-games, but what Dota needed a MASSIVE and "SERIOUS" update.

  • Wintraders Issue (Immortal Rank Curse)
  • Smurfs Issue ( Archon and beyond )
  • Perfomance Update ( Graphical performance / Ping )
  • Much needed Balance to OP and "Weak" heroes.
  • New Items...
  • Map Changes...
  • Using Facet to make heroes change more seriously. (like Invoker, there's so much potential to do things with him having more than 2 facets, and how it affects his abilities and playstyle in a more varying way... )
  • Never returning of Double Downs
  • High Rank MMR Reset
  • Changes how Immortal Draft works/Removing it
  • Changes to Behavior Score System ( But learning from the past, don't tweak it too be broken, and easily abusabe by people using the reports in the "wrong way" but when the report is correct, harsher punishment for greifers and role-abusers etc)

and much more...

Leave your suggestions in comments.