Everything will be alright [ns]

I'm not sure of this is the type of thing that gets posted here, and if not I will gladly take this down, but I just wanted to show my appreciation for this podcast as a whole. June 22nd my dad went into the hospital for a liver transplant. Things were complicated from the start where my family and I didn't know if he would live past the first night. He did but then started the long process of recovery. After the first week of him being in the hospital, I decided I needed to find a new podcast to listen to, to try and take my mind off of things. Funnily enough I had heard about Dungeon and Daddies was on a tour in my city so I decided I'd give it a try listening to it on Spotify. I won't go into too much detail because honestly every day was something different, my dad got better then he'd get worse, the doctors didn't know what was wrong with him and then he'd suddenly recover. It was very up and down and frustrating, but Dungeons and Daddies help keep a little humor in my days. I started listening to the theme of season 1 thinking everything was going to be alright. Unfortunately after 5 weeks and 2 days in the hospital my dad passed away due to complications. Listening to this podcast became one of the few things that brought any sort of similance of happiness to me. The days after were hard, they're still hard, but listening to this podcast became something I looked forward to, something that helped me forget that pain if even for a moment through a corny joke or amazing dad joke. Even just the story itself gave me something to talk about with my amazing and strong wife other than the memories that kept hitting me about my dad. I'll wrap this up with just a thank you to the cast and crew for all that you do. Making this podcast and putting in all your hard work and effort really made a difference for me thank you all for all that you do and are currently doing for season 3. I look forward to future episodes and can't wait to see how season 3 continues. If there's one thing I've come to realize it's that everything will be alright.

I hope this isn't stupid I just felt that whenever something in your life makes a difference its important to take that minute and truly show it and even though I'm just a random person on reddit that they may or may not even see I just felt it important to say thank you and hopefully bring a smile to their faces and make their days a little bit better like they have mine. Thank you all for reading, and thank you again to the cast and crew if this ever reaches them, may your endeavors be successful amd fruitful.