please other vegans send help
i am struggling so much lately to just feed myself, i’m not normally so apathetic towards food despite having a restrictive ed but i’m in a depressive episode and recently i’m just not craving anything, even if i’m honestly so hungry nothing sounds good and i have to force myself to make and eat food once i start feeling dizzy.
today is my only day off this week and i put off grocery shopping all weekend, so i need to go grocery shopping today so i can think about it minimally throughout the week. i’m desperately looking for some help with a shopping list, so any other vegans or even just people who like vegan food will you please offer some suggestions for what i should get thats easy to eat and have on hand? i do genuinely like cooking too, so i’ll take recipes as well. i just really have no desire to eat and thinking about what i should get at the store because i need to eat is getting so overwhelming. i’ve been trying to come up with a list all morning, or at least think of one thing i can cook for dinner tonight so i can have leftovers and i’ve got nothing after hours on pinterest.
sorry for the desperation but i need help :(
edit: i love you guys so much, thank you all. i have a shopping list now, but i am always happy for more suggestions! i can’t thank you guys enough for the help